Since the outcome of the election many people are wondering what I will get up to now…so do I!

First, on losing the election. Yes I’m disappointed, who wouldn’t be – especially after all I’ve given to my community for over 22 years? But a majority of the community who voted chose a new direction and as my brother put it – “Kim, your baby is learning to walk – you have to let it go.” I raised tough issues in my campaign, so the community is going in eyes wide open so to speak. I have made peace with this decision and have let it go. Clearly I am meant to do other things at this time.

That’s not to say that I won’t help my community if asked, but I won’t interfere. The new council has someone experienced with negotiating and implementing the treaty on it now, and this is a vast improvement because some experience is desperately needed in my opinion.

So I spent most of my 10 months focusing on the elections and not what I should do next. Now’s my time to sort out what I can do next. It will be challenging to find a job that is as diverse and fulfilling as my last one – and one I can invoke my passion. So in the interim, I will pick up a few short term consulting contracts while I figure out what to do when I grow up. It’s only been a few days since the election and I have several meetings set up for next week and other offers of collaboration. I am very excited and look forward to see what unfolds over the next little bit.

If I won the lottery I’d start writing a book or books.  But in absence of that I will continue to write here.  :)