Elect Kim Baird for ChiefIt’s been an incredible campaign and I have been so privileged to be able to meet with our members and hear their ideas and concerns about the upcoming election. Even though our members say they need more information, I’m always impressed with how much they actually do know. I’m still available to meet, message, email, text or call now and after the election.
I’m encouraged by the positive feedback I’m getting about using social media as a tool – such as my web site and Facebook. I’ve also gotten positive feedback about my platform.
I am really fortunate to have had time with some of our elders in the past couple of weeks. Their advice and guidance is very important for me and has gave me great strength.
Our people have concerns but even more importantly great ideas for our community.
Concerns about safety have been raised and our need to deal with violence against our women and girls. Concerns about our financial situation, and our need to improve consultation and engagement to better reach more of our members has also been raised. I’ve also hear that people want our government to make better efforts to support our members with services – particularly in relation to post-secondary education, training, and support for addiction as well.
Some great ideas have included the need to promote and celebrate the beautification of our community and our homes. Looking to other tribes about how they manage their distributions and bringing back this topic for community consultation has been another good suggestion. Use of webcasts and video conferencing and other technology has been another suggestion for communicating with our members.
Of course our youth are also at top of mind. I think we sometimes take for granted that most of what we do really is focused on our families and our youth. Even though that’s the case, not only do we need to say it but find a way to listen to our youth and provide them support they need – not what we think they should have. Right now, the path we are building is for their benefit – but we need to find a way to build it together and to focus on wellness for all of us and to make sure our youth know how precious they are to us. I want to leave a lasting legacy for my children and future generations.
I haven’t listed everything I’ve heard, though I have now met with many members, and I hope more to come, and I am so excited by our common desire to have a stronger united community. There is a desire to build on our strengths. No matter what the outcome of the election I look forward to the community building ahead.
Good luck to all the candidates, most of who are running because they also love and care for our community and want to help improve it.
Please get out and vote. If you need assistance getting your vote in – feel free to contact me. If you want to share your ideas and concerns feel free to get a hold of me as well.