It’s been an interesting couple of months.

This week is the first week I had meetings every day I’m being paid for!  #woot!  I have 4 clients now, though they are relatively small contracts.  It is a start though! I am dealing with a range of issues from First Nation policy, to consulting with Industry, to exploring economic development with and for First Nations.  I have also had some job offers – and it is tempting to go for security – but I think right now I prefer flexibility so I can spend more time with my kids.

Today, I got basic stuff sorted, like having my business insured, registering my business and opening a business bank account.  I’m feeling good – like there’s more ground beneath my feet.  I’m off to Oslo Norway next week looking at shipping practices.  Norway is supposed to be a world leader in safe practices.

It’s also been interesting to have to think like a consultant – meeting lots of potential clients and talk about potential opportunities.  I’ve had many cups of coffee and lunches – but it takes time for the work to materialize.  And I love to work – so I’m very happy with the progress I’ve made this week.

So I’m figuring it out – with the exception of IT issues!  Dang it – that is one issue that will always plague me!

I am also very pleased with the assistance I’m getting from people within my network.  They say your reputation is everything – and I’m happy that my reputation is allowing me to use the large network I built up over the past 22 years of my career.  I look forward to the summer and the opportunities that will present themselves.